Indoor Tennis Information


Hours of Operation:

Monday-Friday 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Saturday 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Sunday 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Court schedules are subject to change based on court reservations and clinic/lesson schedule.

Note: Hours outside of court schedules are available if planned through the tennis staff.

Sequoia Swim and Tennis Club

Indoor Tennis Facility Information Sheet

Date of Last Update: 01/29/2025


In 2021, the membership of Sequoia voted in favor of the construction of a 3-court tennis facility. The Board worked closely with the architectural firm, JJCA, to design the facility and the plans were approved by the City of Forest Hills in early 2022. Construction on the facility began in February of 2022 and was completed in the Fall of 2022.

Facility Overview

The facility houses 3 tennis courts, a front reception area, lockers, and bathrooms. The facility is heated in the winter months and has a fan and louver system to help circulate air during the warmer months. As part of a future Club investment, or through member contributions, air-conditioning could be added at a future date.

The operational year of the tennis facility will run from June 1 – May 31 and will be organized across 2 seasons as follows:

 Season                        Months In                               # Of Weeks

Summer                      June, July, Aug (Non-Prime Time)                 13

Fall                              Sep, First ½ of October (Non-Prime Time)       6

Winter                         2nd 1/2 of Oct - End of March (Prime Time)   24

Spring                         April, May (Non-Prime Time)                             9

Usage and Fees

Annual Usage and Fees

Families desiring to use the facility on a regular basis can choose to purchase an Annual Usage Fee. Payment of the Annual Usage Fee will provide families the ability to:

  •        Reserve courts 7 days in advance at $30.00 per hour using the on-line reservation system.  
  •       Submit up to 2 separate names per household (adults only) for inclusion in the lottery for winter contracts (discussed below).       
  • The annual usage fee will be $300 per family. This fee will be invoiced on the club statement.


User Fee Member Court Reservation Fees

Hourly court fees will be assessed for all court reservations. For 2024/2025, this fee will be $30 per hour per court for the Winter season. The rate will be reduced to $20 per hour for the Spring, Summer, and Fall seasons. Charges will be processed if court is not cancelled before 1 hour of the scheduled start time.

Private Clinics and Lessons for Members

Private clinic and lesson rates will stay consistent with our sliding scale rate that is posted on the website.  Anyone who is not paying the Indoor Usage fee will be charged an indoor guest fee $15 guest fee on top of the lesson rate.

Access to the Indoor Facilities for families not paying the Annual Usage Fee

Families not electing to pay the Annual Usage Fee will have the ability to make “same day” reservations for court usage if courts are available, provided they pay a higher court fee of $40 per hour for the Winter season, and $30 per hour for the Spring, Summer, and Fall seasons (subject to increase on an annual basis).

Payment of the Annual Usage Fee will NOT be required for participation in the regular pro-sponsored public clinics discussed above and the fees for participation in these clinics will be the same as those paying the Annual Usage Fee.

While members not paying the Annual Usage Fee cannot participate in the lottery to obtain a winter contract, they can play periodically during the season on a contract. Refer to the section below on Winter Contracts for more information.

Indoor Tennis Guest Fees

A guest fee of $15 per reservation will be assessed for a non-Sequoia member to utilize the courts as a guest of a member.  All nonmembers are required to sign in as they enter the facility before play begins.  The $15.00 guest fee can be directly paid by the member or nonmember by venmo, or the member can be billed.  These options are listed on the sign in sheet. 

Winter Contracts


·        Sequoia members electing to pay the Annual Usage Fee will be eligible to participate in a lottery for a winter contract allowing them to play on the same court at the same day and time during the winter season. 

·        Standard contracts will be awarded for 1.5-hour time slots for the 2024-2025 season. We will have limited availability for 2-hour contract times. 

·        Up to 2 separate adults (over 21) per household will be eligible to enter their names into the lottery. One of these adults can be an adult child provided they are living in the same household and are at least 21 years of age and under 26 years of age.

·        The contract spots will be awarded based on a lottery system whereby all applicants are sorted in random order and those at the top of the list select their court and time first, and so on, until all the contracts are handed out.

·        The winter contract period will run for the entire winter season which is 24 weeks starting in the middle of October and running through the end of March with the exception of dates that fall on federal holidays.

·        For the 2024-2025 season, the cost of each contract will be $30 per hour. A contract for 24 weeks (Oct.14th - March 30th) will cost a total of $1080 for the entire season (24*1.5*$30) assuming none of the dates fall on a holiday. 

Spring Contracts

  • Sequoia members electing to pay the Annual Usage Fee will be eligible to purchase a contract time for the spring season. 
  • Spring contract period: April 1st-May 31st (9 weeks)
  • Hourly court rate for spring contracts: $20.00 per hour.
  • 1.5-hour contracts: $270.00, 2.0-hour contracts: $360.00
  • Current winter contract holders will get first right of refusal to renew for the Spring. Days and times can be changed. 

Application and Lottery Process

Below is the schedule and process associated with the winter contracts for the 2024-2025 year.

Lottery Application July 1st-July 24th

·   Members electing to pay the annual usage fee will be eligible to enter their name into the lottery for a winter contract. Members can express their intent to do so via the Sequoia court bookings site.

·        As noted above, no more than 2 SEPARATE names per household can be entered.

·        The application process will be closed on 7/24/2024.

Important Dates and Information Regarding Indoor Lottery

  • 7/23: deadline for all members to enter their name into the lottery.
  • 7/24: date when the tennis office will email each member their scheduled time for a phone call where the contract time and day will be picked.        
  • 7/26: date of lottery (all picks are by phone for 2025/2026)

  • Phone call time slots will be based on the order in which your name appears on the randomized list. Those with a lower number will appear first allowing them to have more options for selection. 

  • You must be available by phone during your designated timeslot to procure your contract. If you are unable to be reached by phone during that designated time on 7/26, you can call back as soon as you are able to then claim your time slot.  Understanding that we will be moving down the list to stay on schedule.

  • You can also “swap” your spot with someone else on the list provided this is communicated to the tennis office in advance.  Communication must be in writing by email to the tennis office:

Signing In Players and Guests

Once the contract season begins, the contract holder and all other players in the group will be asked to sign in at the indoor front desk using the sign in sheet provided.


Non-Sequoia members and Sequoia members not paying the Annual Usage Fee are permitted to play as a guest during the contract season with a $15.00 guest fee.  This guest fee will be billed to the contract holder or paid by venmo.


If you need to cancel a previously awarded contract, you will be refunded the amount of any dates not yet used (in the future) less a $250 cancellation fee.

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