How do I know if my child is ready for swim team?

Swim team is not a substitute for swim lessons, meaning your child must already have a general competency and confidence in the water. If you are comfortable with your child jumping in while your back is turned, then you may be ready! The minimum expectation for all swimmers is that they can jump in and progress down the pool on their own. Stopping on the side or holding on to the lane line is acceptable!

My child is signed up for a lot of summer camps. Can we still join swim team?

We offer many opportunities for swim practice to allow children to participate on the team and attend other camps and activities. Both morning and afternoon practices are available so you can determine which fits your schedule best! Swimmers are required to compete in at least two meets. For new swimmers, this simply means come to at least two meets and give it a try!

How are Nashville swim teams organized?

Any swim club can participate in the Nashville Swim League program. The clubs are divided into divisions based on the size and location of the club. Due to the our size and past successes, Sequoia is part of the top division of the swim team clubs in the Nashville Swim League, the AAAA division, and competes against local clubs who are at a high caliber of competitiveness and size. This includes Cottonwood, Richland and Seven Hills. For more information, go to www.nashvilleswimleague.com.

What are heats/events?

Some events will have many swimmers competing (strokes such as freestyle and backstroke, for example, since they are easier to master). Each pool has only six lanes and therefore, only six swimmers can compete at the same time. This group of six is called a heat. Often, events will have as many as five heats if we have a large group of swimmers that day.

What strokes will my child swim at the meet?

The coaches will assign swimmers to events based on what strokes they have mastered. If your swimmer is a 6 and under, he/she is eligible to compete in a freestyle and/or a backstroke event, a relay and an IM (freestyle and backstroke - two laps). Swimmers who are 7 and up are eligible to compete in a freestyle, butterfly, breaststroke, backstroke and/or IM event, and relays at the coaches’ discretion.

How do I know what my child will swim at the meet and what his/her time or result was?

The night before the meet, we will email you a heat sheet for you to print that includes your child’s event information. Results are typically emailed out the same day as the meet.

How are relays organized?

Relays are the most exciting events at the meets! Sequoia may have as many as three or more relay teams in each relay event. There are three relays: Freestyle Relay, Medley Relay and Mixed Medley Relay. During a Freestyle Relay, each swimmer swims one leg of the relay using a freestyle stroke. During a Medley Relay, each swimmer swims one leg of the relay using a different stroke (backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle). During a Mixed Medley Relay, two boys and two girls combine to swim each of the four strokes, similar to the Medley Relay. Every effort will be made to put your swimmer in a relay. Sometimes there may be a limitation of how many heats of a relay can be swum, so that may prevent all swimmers from participating. Relay placement depends on swimmers’ times in that particular event. For the City Meet, swimmers are placed on relays based on the four fastest times for each age group.

What are ribbons/heat ribbons? What is a DQ slip?

If your child wins his/her heat, many clubs (including Sequoia) will give out “heat winner ribbons.” This does not mean that your swimmer has won the event, but it does mean he/she came in first in that heat. The swimmer who touches the wall first in the fastest heat of swimmers usually wins the first place ribbon, but not always! Points for the team are won by our swimmers placing 1st, 2nd and 3rd in an event. Ribbons are available for pickup at swim practice the day after a meet in your family files at the pool.

Sometimes, even the most experienced swimmer will lose focus in a race and swim a stroke incorrectly. This results in a swimmer being disqualified from the event. Your swimmer will receive a DQ slip detailing what the infraction was. Encourage your swimmer to come to practice and try again! If there are any questions about a DQ, please see the coach.

Do I need to let anyone know my child swims all year round with a US Swimming Club (ex. NAC or EXCEL)?

Yes, we need to know this and include best times, whether you have BB times and are open or novice. Please tell us this during the registration process, or reach out to the Head Coach.

What are open or novice events?

Swimmers 11 & Up will be entered in either a “novice” or “open” event. Swimmers are required to swim in the “open” category of an event if they have a BB time in that

particular event. BB times can be found on the NSL web site ( http://www.nashvilleswimleague.com ) under the Documents tab but if you are unsure, just reach out to Coach Josh at sequoiaswimcoach@gmail.com . A swimmer may also swim open if we have too many swimmers for the novice event and in order for your child to swim that stroke, he/she may be shifted to the open event. Note: Any swimmer can swim open, but the reverse is not true.

Do I have to swim “ open” since I swam on my middle school or high school team?

Only if you have a BB time or greater. Please refer to the NSL web site to see if you have BB times, which would make you an “open” division swimmer. http://www.nashvilleswimleague.com

What are swim clinics?

Swim clinics are group sessions, led by our Coaches, aimed at specific stroke technique skill building.

Can I arrange for private stroke lessons with the coaches?

Yes, talk with the coaches directly to schedule these!

How do I ask a swim coach or swim mom a question?

Open communication is welcome! Email the Head Coach at sequoiaswimcoach@gmail.com or the Swim Moms at swimsequoia@gmail.com.

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