Volunteer Requirement
Sign Up Genius link coming when registration opens on March 31!
When you sign your swimmer up for the Sequoia Swim Team season, you are also joining a wonderful family community and committing to help run the swim team. Our swim club is 100% parent run! A dedicated crew of "swim moms" work year round to hire the coaches, coordinate the meets, officiate, plan events, etc. Our swim meets, which require at least 45 volunteers each, are entirely run by parents. Without the support, enthusiasm and dedication of many parents and family members, meets would be impossible to operate. Volunteering at meets is fun and rewarding! It's a great way to meet other parents and is an exceptional opportunity to teach our kids what teamwork is all about.
That said, Sequoia Swim Team is a significant family time commitment and we understand that it might not be for everyone. Please take this time commitment into serious consideration before signing your swimmer(s) up for the team.
All parents of swimmers are required to volunteer at two Swim Meets. Volunteer shifts can be fulfilled by parents, grandparents, other family members, teenagers (13+), or even hired out to a babysitter. Note: If your swimmer(s) are participating in City Meet, you are also required to volunteer at City Meet.
Volunteer Buyout Program
We completely understand that not every family is able to meet the volunteer requirements due to their unique circumstances. Similar to other clubs in the Nashville Swim League, the Volunteer Buyout Program has been established for those families that may not be able to volunteer during the swim meets. The overwhelming majority of Sequoia Cyclones families are able to complete the family commitment, or coordinate someone to cover their shift on their own. While we understand that the Volunteer Buyout Program may be the only workable option for some families, we strongly encourage those who are able to commit their time to the team. Family commitment is what makes our team so strong!
If your family cannot fulfill your volunteer requirement for the season, you may make a one-time payment of $150. This payment covers the hiring of a paid volunteer to complete your job for both required meets. You may pay this at the time of registration via Swimmingly or submit a request to the Volunteer Coordinator, Meghan Dahl, at dahl.meghan@gmail.com by May 1, 2025 and your Sequoia account will be charged.
Participation in this program requires that you meet the deadline of May 1. This deadline is critical so that the Volunteer Coordinators can hire the appropriate number of volunteers for each swim meet in a timely manner.
The Volunteer Buyout Program allows our Volunteer Coordinators to staff any no-show or last minute shift conflicts. Your account will be billed the $100 per meet buyout charge should you be unable to fulfill your requirement without previously opting in to the program.
Volunteer Positions
Clerk of Course - Works as a team to line up swimmers in their proper event and heats prior to walking them to the start. This is particularly important for the younger swimmers. Think “herding cats!”
iPod Timer - During regular season meets, Timers will use the Swimmingly app on club iPods to stop the clock and record each swimmers’ ID number at the end of the race. Timers must attend a short pre-meet briefing about 20 minutes prior to the start, and finish after the final heat of the meet is complete. You might get wet!
Watch Timer - During regular season meets, Watch Timers will use stopwatches to back up the iPod Timers. Timers must attend a short pre-meet briefing about 20 minutes prior to the start, and finish after the final heat of the meet is complete. You might get wet!
Relief Timer - Rotates among Timers to provide breaks. Collects DQ slips and brings them to the Referee. Timers must attend a short pre-meet briefing about 20 minutes prior to the start, and finish after the final heat of the meet is complete. You might get wet!
Head Timer - Responsible for distributing and collecting iPhones used by Timers. May serve as a Relief Timer as needed. Timers must attend a short pre-meet briefing about 20 minutes prior to the start, and finish after the final heat of the meet is complete. You might get wet!
Stroke and Turn Judge* - Positioned at both ends of the pool, Stroke and Turn Judges observe all swimmers for proper technique and report any infractions to the Meet Referee. These include legal and illegal motions for each stroke, finishes and relay takeoffs. Judges must attend a short pre-meet briefing about 20 minutes prior to the start, and finish after the final heat of the meet is complete.
Scorekeeper - Manages the timing system on the club iPad. Sits with the Starter and Referee. Makes line-up changers provided by the Head Coaches, and prepares and distributes final heat sheets to the appropriate officials, Clerk of Course, Announcer and coaching staff. Updates this coring system throughout the meet with times, DQs, etc. To train for Scorekeeper, simply sign up and shadow the current Scorekeeper. You get shade!
Starter* - Announces each event and starts each heat. Operates the starting device to begin each race. Also determines false starts and acts as a Turn Judge. Starters finish after the final heat of the meet is complete. You get shade!
Assistant Starter - Advance the meet app heat and mark empty lanes on deck under the tent. You get shade!
Hospitality - At our home meets only, we want to make sure all our volunteers are well supplied with water and snacks throughout the meet. Be the “Hostess with the Mostest!”
Referee* - This is the head official of the meet. Signals the start of each event/heat, monitors the meet, instructs Stroke and Turn Judges, and signs off on any disqualifications during the course of the meet. The Referee’s word is final at a meet.
Heat Winner Ribbons - Distributes heat winner ribbons to the winners of each heat. You will be the most popular person on the deck!
*These positions require some prior online training. It is not as scary as it sounds, and we need volunteers willing to work these positions! Please consider helping out with these roles. Our Volunteer Coordinator will walk you through the training process!