Pool Guests
Part of the fun and wonderful memories made at Sequoia involve bringing friends and family to the club who are not Sequoia members. We welcome guests and are happy for our members to bring non-members to the club as often as they please. The following is the policy on guests:
- Members must sign in all guests when they arrive at the pool, and pay the guest fee ($5) in cash or by charging to the member account.
- Guests must attend with a member, and may not sign in and use a membership without the sponsoring member being present. If you have extenuating circumstances (your guests need to arrive before you can arrive at the club), please contact Kim Sheridan, Club Manager, at 615-557-3632, in advance to let her know that you have guests arriving at the pool.
We must have a member responsible for every guest at the club in the event of an emergency or other situation that would require removing a guest from the club. It is even more important that we know that every person who visits the club has permission to be present.
- Nannies, sitters, and grandparents who come to the club to supervise member children do NOT have to sign in as guests, provided that the member parents are NOT present. They may sign in as the member family. We want all member children to be able to enjoy the club even when their parents cannot be present to supervise, so we do not charge a guest fee for adults who supervise children at the pool in the absence of their parents.
- Only dependent family members are included in the family membership. This includes children under the age of 25 who are dependents in the household, and senior parents who live with the family. Any dependent family member may use the family membership at the club at any time free of charge. Adult children, grandchildren, grandparents, and children over the age of 25 who are not dependents are NOT included in family membership, and must be signed in as a guest.
- Guests may not charge to member accounts unless the member is present and signs the ticket.
This policy is in effect to protect the members.
Protecting the safety of our members and children at the pool is of utmost importance, so it is important that all members respect the guest policy and sign in all guests when they arrive at the pool. Our club manager and staff do a great job of learning the names and faces of our members over the summer, so they are very aware when new faces arrive. Please continue to bring your guests to the pool, but please help us and also remember to sign them in when they arrive!
Pool Manager
- The Pool Manager will have the authority and responsibility to ban any person from the pool area at any time for infractions of rules or unacceptable behavior.
- The Pool Manager and Club Manager have the authority to close the pool during heavy rains or electrical storms. All members shall vacate the pool deck area. Each episode of thunder will close the pool for 30 minutes anew. The pool will be reopened if such storm ends and the weather clears.
- The Pool Manager and/or head lifeguard on duty must be able to visually see the pool drains for pools to be operational.
- Lifeguards are employed by Greater Nashville Pool Management, Inc.
- Lifeguards are certified by the Red Cross and are trained in First Aid, Adult and Infant CPR.
- Lifeguards ensure that all potential safety hazards are eliminated as they practice preventative life guarding.
- Lifeguards must remain alert, always looking and listening for distress signals. They must be able to hear and visually recognize signs of potential problems.
- Lifeguards must have a positive mental attitude, a good work ethic, and a high level of physical endurance and good swimming skills.
- Lifeguards need to demonstrate effective communication skills between fellow lifeguards, management and patrons.
- Lifeguards should be good listeners and polite administrators of pool rules.
- No children under 12 years of age shall be left at the pool without direct supervision. Parents may not play tennis and leave children under 12 in the pool area.
- Children ages 12 and older can be left alone if they have sufficient swimming skills. The child must be registered at the desk and an emergency number must be left for either the parent or guardian.
- Pool managers may require a child to pass a swim test before being left unsupervised.
- Non-swimmers should never be left alone, regardless of age.
- All parents must complete a new emergency information form at the front desk each year.
Pool Safety Rules and Standards of Conduct
- All members and guests must follow instructions from lifeguards, managers, or other Sequoia staff and management at all times.
- Always walk! No running is allowed on the pool deck or inside pavilion.
- No glass containers are allowed anywhere in the pool area or pavilions.
- Diving is not allowed in water that is zero to five feet deep.
- Flips, back dives, backwards jumps, spins, and cartwheels are not allowed from the side of the pool.
- Swimming is not allowed when there is no lifeguard on duty.
- Horseplay is not allowed in or around the pool, playground, or in pavilions. Horseplay includes dunking, pushing, throwing people into the pools, fighting and wrestling.
- A swim test can be administered at a lifeguard’s discretion before allowing a swimmer to enter deep water.
- Gum in not allowed in the pool or deck area.
- Food, including ice cream and candy, are allowed in the pavilion only.
- Loud and disruptive behavior, including profanity and any form of disrespect, will not be tolerated.
- Toys should be designed specifically for pool use and are at the discretion of the lifeguards. Lifeguards will remove the toys that may cause a disturbance or create a hazard for members. Squirt guns and rafts are prohibited.
- Lap lanes take priority over recreational swimmers in the lap pool at all times.
- Patrons should stay off the diving blocks- Reserved for swim team practice and meets only.
- Kick boards are for swim team and lap swimmers only.
- Rest periods for adult swim (must be 16 years or older) will be called every hour. All children must completely out of the pools, no dangling feet. Please ask your children to use the restrooms during this time to avoid accidents in the pool. Pool closings affect everyone!
- Members and guests are responsible for their own belongings. Do not leave personal belongings in the dressing rooms or on tables in the dining areas.
- A phone is available at the Front Desk for out bound calls only. Please limit calls to two minutes. The pool does not have a paging system.
- It is absolutely necessary that parents/guardians inform the management if a child vomits or has a bowel movement (regardless of whether or not a diaper is worn) in or around the pool or pool area. This is a health hazard and is regulated by the Metro Health Department.
- When a child is in a flotation device, it is the parent’s or guardian’s responsibility to supervise the child- the parent(s), or adult 16 and older, must be in the water with child.
- No flotation devices, goggles, or other equipment are allowed to be used while using the slides.
- Child must be able to swim without the aid of an adult in order to go down slides- adults may not catch child at base of slide.
- Swim diapers are not allowed in the Competition pool, only the Family and Baby pools.
- Sliding feet first is mandatory on all slides.
Diving Board / Diving Well Rules
- The diving well is designed for diving purposes only. Divers take priority at all times.
- You must be 42” to dive.
- The boards may be closed at certain times to allow for dive team practice.
- Only one person is allowed on any part of the diving board at a time. This includes ladders.
- All dives must be made off the front end of the boards and not to either side. Only one bounce per dive allowed.
- No Gainers from either diving board.
- Once on the High Dive, you must jump off or be assisted back down the ladder by a lifeguard.
- Swimmers must exit the pool at the closest ladder after diving. Do not swim across the well to the opposite ladder.
- No flotation devices, goggles, or other equipment are allowed to be used while going off the diving boards.
- Divers must have good swim skills. Non-swimmers are not allowed in the diving well.
- No hanging from the board.
- No swimming in the diving well while the boards are in use.
- Inappropriate use of the diving well area may result in serious injury.
- Parents may not tread water in the diving well to catch their children off of diving board.
- Parents may not jump off the boards with a child.
Baby Pool / Slide / Playground Rules
- Infants and toddlers not potty trained must wear diapers specifically designed for swimming purposes. These are available to purchase at the front desk. No exceptions.
- Changing tables are provided in the restrooms. Please do not change diapers on the pool deck due to health hazards.
- The baby pool and baby slide is strictly reserved for children 5 years of age and under.
- Children are NOT to be left unsupervised in the baby pool or playground areas. Parents/guardians are responsible at all times. No lifeguards are on duty for the baby pool or playground areas.
- Parents/guardians are responsible for supervising their children while on the playground. This is not an area that is monitored by staff regularly.
Alcoholic Beverages
- The Sequoia Club does not allow consumption or possession of any alcoholic beverage or controlled substances of any type by anyone at any time on the property.