Day Camp Counselor Time Line:
Applications will be accepted beginning Wednesday, 01/01/25 through April 10, 2025.
Counselor interviews to be held on Sunday, April 13, 2025.
Counselor orientation will be held on Sunday, May 18, 2025.
No applications will be accepted for the 2025 season after April 10th
New & Returning Counselors - Click Here to Complete an Online Application
Returning counselors have until April 10th to reapply
If you miss us this year, please, try again in 2026 :)
New & Returning Counselors - Click Here to Complete an Online Application
For scheduling purposes, no applications will be accepted after April 10th,
this includes returning counselors.
Counselor interviews will be held on Sunday, April 13, 2025. You will be notified the week before interviews when your interview time slot will be. Interviews will be conducted in small groups.
If you are interested in working at Sequoia Day Camp this summer, please apply now! Being a camp counselor is a lot of fun, and it is hard work, but you get paid to be outdoors and with kids! We are looking for high energy people who are not afraid to speak up, can lead a small group of kids, have great ideas, and most importantly, have a positive attitude! It is very important to have strong work ethics. Please apply if you don't mind being outdoors in the heat with a bunch of young kids! They will think you are the greatest!
To apply : If you are a returning counselor, you must reapply before April 10th to let us know you would like to return. Returning counselors who received a positive evaluation at the end of last year, will be placed first. This helps with the consistency of the camp.
*Returning counselors: If you wait too long to request a spot for the summer, there may not be any left for the specific session you are available to work. Please don't wait until the last minute to let Lynn Hawblitzel, Day Camp Director, know you want to return.
All inquiries, applications and questions may be sent to:
Lynn Hawblitzel, Sequoia Day Camp Director
New & Returning Counselors -
Click Here to Complete an Online Application
Pay $360.00
Pay $475.00
We LOVE our volunteers and we need them. If you are 12 years old and would like to spend some time with us at day camp, please e-mail Lynn Hawblitzel, day camp director, Let us know about yourself, your hobbies, interests and your experience with kids. As a counselor in training (C.I.T) you will be placed with a group for the day. Sometimes that stays the same throughout the session, sometimes, we need to move a C.I.T around depending on our needs. You also do not need to commit to a complete session, part of one is fine, and day to day is fine.
Your time will be spent helping the younger campers. That might mean you help them find a lost racket, a towel or shoes. You may need to take a child to the restroom, to swim practice, or help them pack up for the day. Whatever it is, it is helpful to the campers and to all of us. Just remember!! Now YOU are the counselor, not the camper. Your job is to help them have a great time and hopefully you will have a great time too. It will get your foot in the door for when you are old enough to apply for a paid position and see if you like it! Volunteers are not guaranteed a paid position when old enough; it does help us get to know you better though. Think about it!
Lynn Hawblitzel
Completed payroll forms are to be turned in to Kim Sheridan, Club Manager, by email,, OR in person once the pools open on Saturday, May 24, 2025
Paychecks will not be issued without completed paperwork on file
All forms must be completed each year, including rehires
Must be completed before the first day of camp!