Dive Team Begins Tuesday, May 27, 2025!
Coaches Andrea Meyers and Amy Hartman Kennedy are back for their 16th season at Sequoia.
All of our wonderful coaches are looking forward to a fabulous summer!
Assistant Coach Draper will be joining us for her 6th summer! Strong, steady and amazing!
Assistant Gabe Lett will be back for his 3rd summer! What a great addition to the coaching team!
Junior Assistant Addy Meyers joined us last year and showed what a great asset she will be as a part of the our awesome dive team.
We have lots of returning divers, although, always room for more.
Monday - Thursday
Each practice is open to any age diver
Each practice is open to any age diver
Nashville Diving League Meets & EVENT
Sunday TBA-Swim Suit Fitting - 2:00-4:00 @ Sequoia
Tuesday 6/10-Mock Meet / During regular afternoon practice
Thursday 6/12-Away - 8:00 warm-ups / 8:30 start
Thursday 6/19-Away - 8:00 warm-ups / 8:30 start
Thursday 6/26-@Sequoia - 8:00 warm-ups / 8:30 start
Tuesday 7/1 - 3 Meter City Meet @ Sequoia
7:30 warm-ups / 8:00 start (tentative date)
Wednesday 7/2 - 1 Meter City Meet @ Sequoia
7:30 warm-ups / 8:00 start (tentative date)
Thursday 07/10 - End-of-Season Diving Showcase
4:00 - 6:00 @ Sequoia
*Regular Season meets would run from 8-2 with each age group lasting about an hour - More information will be sent when a decision has been made on meets.
Please let us know if you have any other suggestions, questions or have trouble getting registered. We can't wait for another fun summer!!
- Coach Andrea & Coach Amy